Friday August 26th, the grade 4a class hosted our first Parent- Student conference night. Over the last trimester, the grade 4 class has been preparing portfolios of their work to show to their parents. It included examples of their writing, favorite reading, math skills, science experiments, art projects and more. Instead of a teacher lead conference, this type of meeting allowed the students to share what they thought they were good at, or what they needed to work on. At the end of every conference, the students had a special section dedicated to a specific goal they would like to achieve next trimester. It was a great opportunity for our parents to ask their children questions, and to really get a feel for their child's everyday work. Following the conferences, we enjoyed some snacks and refreshments, and watched our claymation films!
Los alumnos del 4 Básico A tuvieron una ¨Reunión de Apoderados¨ el pasado viernes donde compartieron con sus apoderados los portafolios que ellos mismos prepararon para mostrar algunos de sus trabajos en clase durante el trimestre. Al concluir la reunión, padres, alumnos y profesora Jefe disfrutaron de una película especialmente preparada para la ocasión y de deliciosos bocadillos.