Friday, July 27, 2012


Miss Yolande´s class is all into a new Unit called "Sharing the planet and preserving natural resources" and they had a great idea. A lot of kids keep on dropping pencils on the floor resulting on lead breaks on the inside and after that they have a hard time sharpening them again.The point will break constantly and they have to keep sharpening until they have sharpened a new pencil to a little stump in a short time. So they talked about pencils are made from trees and more new pencils means more trees cut to make them.They decided to go around to other classes to see if they had all kinds of badly used pencils and did the posters to spread the message, the pencil cartoons to make it fun to look at and to "see"the point of view of the pencils and the art to show that you can recycle things into cool art. Even the posters are done on used copy paper! Keep it up, kids!
El curso de Miss Yolande está desarrollando la unidad llamada  "Compartiendo el planeta y preservando los recursos naturales" y se les ocurrió una gran idea. Muchos niños dejan caer sus lápices lo que hace que las puntas y la mina se rompan y tengan que sacarles punta una y otra vez. Se discutió en clases que los lápices provienen de los árboles y que para hacer nuevos hay que cortar más árboles. Los niños decidieron hacer posters de papel reciclado para tomar conciencia y hablaron con sus compañeros de otras clases para incentivar el cuidadio del planeta. ¡Sigan así, chicos!